
Why Is MSG So Toxic?

I have been consciously avoiding MSG for years, simply because I don't feel "right" after I knowingly ingest something with MSG in it. Much to my dismay though, MSG is actually in many foods that I would never in a million years think it was in! It is disguised under so many different names that many of the "healthy", "all natural" products I have in my house right now, actually have MSG in them and I would never have known! So, after reading this article and watching these videos, I now understand that MSG can show up under many different names and in many different products. Why is it in our BABY FORMULAS?!! Why Isn't the FDA eliminating knowingly harmful ingredients from our food?

Did you know that MSG is in:
Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein
Yeast Extract
Malted Barley
Rice Syrup or Brown Rice Syrup
just to name a few!

If you want to read about why MSG is so bad for us and just how to look out for it in our foods, PLEASE READ THIS ARTICLE & WATCH THESE VIDEOS! It's very informative and educational!


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