
Probiotics & A Healthy Digestive Tract

Most of us aren't even aware of where the immune system is located in our bodies unless we study physiology or biology. Well, the medical profession is finally becoming savvy to the fact that roughly 80% of all immune system cells are located inside the digestive tract. This is huge, important information. Growing up, we were all taught to take antibiotics if we got sick, to take allergy pills if we had allergies and to take antacids if we had upset stomachs. Little did we know that all of these problems were originating in the digestive tract. For years and years allergists have built huge, successful practices basing treatments on skin testing and adverse reactions. The treatment protocol has been to give shots for the offending allergen to build up resistance and make the person immune over time. Some times the allergy shots worked and sometimes they didn't. Many of us are also aware of commonly prescribed treatments for allergies which include, sinus sprays, anti-histamines, steroidal creams, asthma medications etc. If only Dr's could tell you one simple thing in the first place. Change your diet!

If the diet is causing problems for your immune system, your immune system will have an allergic response. All people manifest allergic responses differently. Some have sinus issues, other's have digestive issues, and other's have skin issues. Never knowing that spending their whole life running from one Dr. to another to try and get these issues taken care of, the answer has been in their diet all along. Usually it's one of 3 things. Dairy, wheat or gluten or sugar. Obviously there are other things in the diet you can be allergic to, however because the 3 aforementioned culprits are such common components to the American diet, they are usually what start messing up the digestive system in the first place. The digestive system actually corrodes over time and builds up yeast and unfriendly bacteria. This makes for the beginnings of an unhealthy immune system which shows itself through on going allergic responses or various health issues. I've known people who have been dealing with health issues for years running from one specialist to another, day after day, year after year, given prescriptions for tons of different medications only to realize that none of them help. In fact, most of them make the issues worst. What most people want in the first place is just an answer, a cause, a reason that they are having these issues! That is very often hard to find in a traditional medical setting, unfortunately. Then, when they start cutting out dairy, wheat and sugar, amazingly their allergies start to go away.

Enter the world of probiotics. Many of you might be familiar with probiotics yet confused as to which ones to use, or how to use them or what they even are. This is where I will lead you into an extremely important article taken from which explains very clearly what role probiotics have in your health. Please read this and then read below about the giveaway today.


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